Chih-Chieh Yang profile


Name¡G Chih-Chieh Yang


Position: Professor,  Graduate School of Science and Technology Law, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan (2017- )


Residence¡GHsinchu, Taiwan


Graduated from:

1. L.L.B (2001), College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

2. M.B.A(2003), Graduate Institute of Industrial Economics , National Central University, Taiwan.

3. Ph.D in Law (2006), Graduate Institution of National Development, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.


n Experiences¡G

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology Law, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan¡]2014-2017¡^

Associate Professor, Department of Law, Aletheia University, Taiwan.(2008-2012)

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Aletheia University, Taiwan.(2008-2011)


Major: Intellectual Property Law, Constitutional laws, Internet Law, Competition Law


Papers  in English:

Most of my academic were published in Chinese, but I have try to write some topic in English about Taiwan¡¦s IP law, here is result:


1.     Chih-Chieh Yang(2023), Fighting Against Disinformation from Foreign Forces? Or Suppressing Criticism from Domestic Opposition Parties? Taiwan¡¦s Experience, Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 24(1), 43-74, February 2023. (Scopus).

2.     ChihChieh Yang (2022), Is the Registration System a Prerequisite for the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions?, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, 12(3), 350-375, October 2022 (SSCI & Scopus).

3.     Chih-Chieh Yang (2021). How to Improve the English-Material-Reporting Method in Teaching Foreign Patent Laws?. in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education ¡V ICVHE (SciTePress, 2021), pages 168-174, DOI: 10.5220/0010170900002967. (ISBN 978-989-758-530-2)

4.     Chih-Chieh Yang & Huang, Jui-Wen¡]2013¡^, The Issue of Avoid Patent Exhaustion Doctrine by License Agreement¡ÐU.S. Supreme Court¡¦s Decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., International Journal of Digital Humanities and Creative Innovation Management, Vol. 1 No.2, pp1-9, Jun. 2013.

5.     Chih-Chieh Yang¡]2010¡^, A Comparative Study of the Models Employed to Protect the Indigenous Traditional Cultural Expressions, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 11, Issue. 2, pp49-84, August. 2010

6.     Chih-Chieh Yang¡]2010¡^, A Critical Perspective on Taiwan¡¦s Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Creation Protection Ordinance, Entertainment Law Review, Vol. 21, Issue 6, pp229-233, July 2010


Conference in English:


1.         Chih-Chieh Yang(2022), How to Combat Disinformation under Freedom of Speech? Taiwan's Laws, Practices and Inadequacy, The 9th Asian Constitutional law Forum, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, May13-14, 2022.

2.         Chih-Chieh Yang(2021), Should a Registration System be Adopted to Protect Traditional Cultural Expressions? Implementation Experience, WIPO Draft and Tiered Approach,, IPIRA Colloquium, 2021, 11 September, 2021, IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Network    

3.         Chih-Chieh Yang¡]2020¡^,How to Protect the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples? Registration System and Fair Use, 2ed IP & Innovation Researchers Asia (IPIRA) Conference, IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Network, 27-28 February 2020 at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, in Jakarta, Indonesia.    

4.         Chih-Chieh Yang¡]2020¡^,Does Taiwan need Design ¡§Repair Clause¡¨ in Patent Law? Review of DEPO front light design patent infringement case(2019) in Taiwan¡u5th WORKS-IN-PROGRESS CONFERENCE "IPSCHOLARS ASIA" 2020¡v¡ACity University of Hong Kong¡AJanuary 9th-10th 2020, HongKong¡C¡]Asian IP Scholar Award¡^

5.         Chih-Chieh Yang¡]2019¡^, How to Improve the English-Material-Reporting Method in Teaching Foreign Patent Laws?, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE), Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia, 5th to 7th August 2019, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. ¡]Best Presenter¡^

6.         Chen-Fu Wang¡BChing-Chu Hung¡BChih-Chieh  Yang¡AThe Study on Plagiarism in Architectural Design - Embodying the case of  the Conch Pavilion at Yong-An Fishing Port¡AIEEE International Conference On Applied System Innovation 2019¡ATaiwanese Institute Of Knowledge Innovation(TIKI)¡A2019/4/11-15¡AFukuoka, Japan

7.         Yang, Chih-Chieh¡]2019¡^¡ADoes Refusal to License IP Rights Violate Antitrust Law? Refusal-to-deal Doctrine and Essential Facility Doctrine Compared and Two Recent Taiwan Cases Studied, ¡uWORKS-IN-PROGRESS CONFERENCE ¡§IPSCHOLARS ASIA¡¨ 2019¡v¡ASingapore Management University¡A2019.1.30-31, Singapore.

8.         Yang, Chih-Chieh(2018)¡ABreach of SEPs FRAND commitment and Competition Law: Qualcomm case in Korea, U.S. and Taiwan¡A¡uWORKS-IN-PROGRESS CONFERENCE ¡§IPSCHOLARS ASIA¡¨ 2018¡v¡ASingapore Management University¡A2018/3/1-2, Singapore.

9.         Yang, Chih-Chieh¡]2017¡^¡AHealth Data Protection and Research Reuse: the Problems of Taiwan National Health Insurance Database, The 14th APIRA Conference 2017¡ATWNIC¡BAsia university¡A2017/9/18.

10.     Yang, Chih-Chieh & Huang, Jui-Wen(2013), The Issue of Avoid Patent Exhaustion Doctrine by License Agreement¡ÐU.S. Supreme Court¡¦s Decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 2013 Conference on Service and Technology Management¡Aby Graduate Institute of Survices and Technology Management, 2013.5.26, Taipei.

11.     Yang, Chih-Chieh(2012), Analyzing Microsoft¡¦s Forced Upgrade Case Based on Economics and Copyright Law¡AThe 4th Conference on Law and Economic Analysis, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (IIAS)¡A2012.6.15¡B16¡ATaipei.

12.     Yang,Chih-Chieh(2010), Copyright and Licensing Issues of National Palace Museum, The Museum 2010~An International Conference Exploring the Value, Purposes and Priorities of Museums at the Start of the 21st Century¡]2010.5.18¡ATaipei¡^


Recently research topics in Chinese:

Recently, my research focuses on the relation between IP and competition law. I have published several papers about this topic, some published on Fair Trade Quarterly (Taiwan, TSSCI). It includes:


1.Yang, Chih-Chieh(2018), Qualcomm Cellular Communications SEP Licensing Framework and Antitrust: Compare Qualcomm Cases in China, Korea, the U.S., and Taiwan, Fair Trade Quarterly, Volum26, Number 2, pp. 1-54, April, 2018 (in Chinese)(TSSCI).

2.Yang, Chih-Chieh(2017), Sham Litigation in the United States and Cases Study of ¡§Exercise of IPR Improperly¡¨ in Taiwan , Fair Trade Quarterly, Volum25, Number 4, pp. 67-132, October, 2015(in Chinese)(TSSCI).

3.Yang, Chih-Chieh(2015),Most-Favored-Nation Clause and Competitive Law , Fair Trade Quarterly, Volum23, Number 3, pp. 47-92, July, 2015(in Chinese)(TSSCI).

4. Yang, Chih-Chieh(2015), The Inequitable Conduct Defense in Patent-Infringement Case and Antitrust Liability for Enforcement of Fraudulently-Procured Patent in U.S., Fair Trade Quarterly, Volum23, Number1, pp. 101-152, January, 2015(in Chinese)(TSSCI). 

5.Yang, Chih-Chieh(2012), Copyright Misuse and Abuse, Fair Trade Quarterly, Volum20, Number2, pp. 1-64, April, 2012(in Chinese)(TSSCI).


Other Journal Papers in Chinese:

1.     Yang, Chih-Chieh, Medical Information Protection Law in U.S.: the Privacy Rule and Security Rule of HIPAA/HITECH, The Military Law Journal Vol.60 No.5, pp. 79-116, October 2014 (in Chinese).

2.     Yang, Chih-Chieh, Copyright Moral Rights in U.S.: Focus on Installation Art and Site-specific Art, Shih Hsin Law Review, Vol.7 No.2, pp. 405-462, June 2014 (in Chinese).

3.     Yang, Chih-Chieh & Wang, Chi-Ting (2013), The Patent Eligibility of Human Gene and Diagnostic Method: Issues on U.S. Case: AMP v. USPTO & Myriad Genetics, Bio-Industry Technology Management Review Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 16-49, July 2013(in Chinese).

4.     Yang, Chih-Chieh(2013), Depriving the Copyright Public Domain and Free Speech Review, Tunghai University Law Review, Volum 40, pp. August, 2013(in Chinese)(TSSCI).

5.     Yang, Chih-Chieh & Huang, Jui-Wen¡]2013¡^, The Issue of Avoid Patent Exhaustion Doctrine by License Agreement¡ÐU.S. Supreme Court¡¦s Decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., International Journal of Digital Humanities and Creative Innovation Management, Vol. 1 No.2, pp1-9, Jun. 2013.

6.     Yang, Chih-Chieh(2012), Implementing Duty and Specific Contribution of European Ombudsman, Tunghai University Law Review, Volum 37, pp. 39-96, August, 2012(in Chinese)(TSSCI).

7.     Yang, Chih-Chieh(2012), Copyright Misuse and Abuse, Fair Trade Quarterly, Volum20, Number2, pp. 1-64, April, 2012(in Chinese)(TSSCI).

8.     Yang, Chih-Chieh(2012), The Preliminary Injunction and Permanent Injunction of Intellectual Property Litigation in U.S, Intellectual Property Right Journal, Issue 160, pp. 51-100, April, 2012(in Chinese).

  1. Yang, Chih-Chieh (2010), Price Discrimination of Intellectual Property - A Case Study of Drug Patents and Film Works, Property and Economic Law Journal, Vol.24, pp.73-128, December 2010 (in Chinese).
  2. Yang, Chih-Chieh(2010), A Critical Perspective on Taiwan¡¦s Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Creation Protection Ordinance, Entertainment Law Review, Vol. 21, Issue 6, July 2010 (in English)
  3. Yang, Chih-Chieh(2010), A Comparative Study of the Models Employed to Protect the Indigenous Traditional Cultural Expressions, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 2, April. 2010 (in English)
  4.    Yang, Chih-Chieh(2009), Search Engine and Fair Use: U.S. Cases and Google¡¦s Library Project, Intellectual Property Right Journal, Issue125, pp. 39-86 May 2009 (in Chinese).
  5.    Yang, Chih-Chieh(2009), American Law School Accreditation and It¡¦s Effects, Journal of New Perspectives on Law, No.9, pp.31-65, April 2009 (in Chinese).
  6. Yang, Chih-Chieh(2009), Reflection of the theory and experience of Bayh-Dole Act, Technology Law Review, Vol.6, No.1, pp.207-240,April 2009 (in Chinese).
  7. Yang, Chih-Chieh, How to Solve the Drug Access Gap and Drug R&D Gap? ¡XReview the Solutions under TRIPS and Suggestions for University Patent Policy, Taiwan Journal of Law and Technology Policy, Vol.5 No.2, pp.69-124, December 2008 (in Chinese).
  8. Yang, Chih-Chieh, The Constitutional Basis of Intellectual Property¡XHow to settle the conflict between Intellectual Property and Free Speech, Property and Economic Law Journal, Vol.16, pp.1-40, December 2008 (in Chinese).
  9.    Yang, Chih-Chieh , The Development and Effect of Music Web Liability¡XComparative Analysis of the Copyright Systems Between U.S. and Taiwan, Aletheia University Journal of Financial and Economic Law, Vol.1, pp.130-168, September 2008 (in Chinese).
  10. 7.    Yang, Chih-Chieh , Hsu, Austin Ru-Heng, On the Freedom of Speech and Assembly for the Military¡XAn Analytical Review of Military Officers Attending Political Activities, The Constitutional Review, Vol.34, No.1, pp.1-40, July 2008 (in Chinese).
  11. Yang, Chih-Chieh , The Actual Benefit Evaluation of Judicial Review, The Constitutional Review, Vol.31,No.4, pp.483-520, April 2006 (in Chinese).
  12.    Yang, Chih-Chieh ,Can National Human Right Institution Replace Judicial Review? Journal of Law and Politics, No. 19, pp. 173-202 , November 2005 (in Chinese).
  13.     Lu, Pei-Fang &Yang, Chih-Chieh, The Economic Analysis of ¡§Some Rights Reserved,¡¨ Intellectual Property Right Journal, Issue81, pp. 96-126, September 2005 (in Chinese).
  14.     Yang, Chih-Chieh , Constructing the Decision-Making Model of Taiwan¡¦s Grand Justices, Chengchi Law Review, No. 81, pp.111-156, October 2004 (in Chinese)(TSSCI)
  15.     Yang, Chih-Chieh & Lee, Hisen-Lung, Legal and Strategic Analysis of Open Source Licensing Contracts, Intellectual Property Right Journal, Issue58, pp. 6-31, October 2003 (in Chinese).
  16.     Yang, Chih-Chieh , Legal and Economic Analyses of the Principle of Explicit Authorization, The Constitutional Review, Vol.28,No.2, pp.19-37, October 2002 (in Chinese).
  17.   Yang, Chih-Chieh , Women Do Not Have to Serve Military Service? ¡X A Review of Operational Standard for Differences between Sexes Cited in Interpretation No. 490 by the Council of Grand Justices, The Constitutional Review, Vol.28,No.1, pp.45-65, July 2002 (in Chinese).



My master dissertation is about anti-judicial review(I followed Mark Tushnet¡¦s papers and books, especially his brilliant book ¡¥Taking the Constitution Away form the Courts¡¦(1999), applying his theory to Taiwan¡¦s same issues)

My Ph.D dissertation is about internet copyright piracy (I followed William W. Fisher III brilliant book ¡¨Promise to keep¡¨(2004), applying his theory to Taiwan¡¦s same issues)


1.Copyright Laws in Taiwan: Cases and Comments,(2ed. 2012, in Chinese, Taiwan)

 2   ¡¥Information Laws¡¦,  (3ed. 2011, in Chinese, Taiwan)

3.    ¡¥Constitutional law of Taiwan¡¦, (4ed. 2011, in Chinese, Taiwan Taipei)

4.    ¡¥Introduction to constitutional in Taiwan¡¦.  (2012, in Chinese, Taiwan Taipei)

5.Introduction to Laws in Taiwan (3ed. 2012, Taiwan Taipei)

Translation (From English in Chinese)

1. ¡¥Legal Theory¡¦ written by Ian Mcleod. (2003, in Chinese, Taiwan Taipei)

2. ¡¥Constitution and Political Theory¡¦ written by Jan-Erik Lane. (2004, in Chinese, Taiwan Taipei)

3 .¡¥Taking the Constitution Away from the Courts.¡¦ Written by Mark Tushnet(2006, in Chinese, Taiwan Taipei)



Contact Information:


     Address: 123University Road, Section 3, Douliou, Yunlin, Taiwan 64004, R.O.C.


